Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How to Bubble a CELA Book

If you need guidance on how to bubble a CELA book please checkout the CDE Procedures Manual for CELA. I have also created a screencast (below) that shows the procedures manual and the back of the CELA book. It takes a couple of minutes to load so be patient. Also, the audio tends to be low (not sure why), so crank your audio or use headphones.


Monday, December 17, 2007

CSAP Training Dates

The 2008 CSAP administration dates are set for January 15th at 3:30 at ESS and January 16th at 4:30 at ESS. These trainings will be approximately 75 minutes long and are required for all School Assessment Coordinators (SAC) and administrators. Schools are required to train their staff. All test proctors are required to be trained.