Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Documented Accommodations Deadline Approaches

CSAP rules require that students receiving documented accommodations on the test must have these formally documented three or more months before the CSAP window officially opens (March 10, 2008). December 10, 2007 is the target date for documenting accommodations if you plan to use them on CSAP. In addition, these accommodations should used during assessment (either classroom or benchmark). CDE has published a new accommodations manual.

Below I have embedded some slides from the accommodations manual that outlines the appropriate use of various accommodations.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Science Returned Early

With newly revised Science Standards for the state of Colorado standard setting needs to occur again. That means that Science CSAP needs to be returned early this year. Please complete your Science CSAP testing no later than March 19th. Please schedule your pickup of Science materials with Yvonne Hauke. Pickups are a first come first serve basis.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Changes to CSAP Administration (New or Different for 2008)

In 2008 CSAP administration is largely the same as previous years with a few minor exceptions:
1. One page rule: In previous years when a student went past the end of a section and started a new section before the rest of the class that student could continue with that section at the proper time provided they did not complete more than one page. However, if the student turned one page they were not allowed to return to that section, but still received an overall score and could complete any remaining sections for that subject. In 2008 if a student continues into the next session it is a "misadministration" regardless of how far that student has gone in the next session. That means that any student working ahead will receive a "No Score" for the entire subject.

There is now a "STOP" page and directions in the manual directing students to stop at this page. Checkout the stop page example below.

See page 46 of the procedures manual for more details.

2. Expanded Directions for transcribing: On page 48 of the procedures manual there are additional directions on transcribing CSAP books. The act of transcribing is the same as in the past. This is NOT a documented accommodation and takes place AFTER a student has finished testing. A book might be transcribed because it is damaged, written in another language (where appropriate), or in a different format (e.g. alphasmart). This should take place in a secure location and be checked for accuracy by one person in addition to the transcriber. Below is a picture of what a transcribed book should look like.

3. Students who become ill during testing: If a student becomes ill during testing they may now come back and complete the testing they started. Please be aware it is always better to not have a student start a test if they are feeling ill. If a student does become ill have an adult escort them to the nurses office. Make note of how many minutes they have remaining to test, then restart the test with the remaining time during a makeup period.

4. Accommodations for ELL students: Schools are expected to follow the flowchart on page 43 of the administration manual in determining the options for ELL students on CSAP. Here is the flowchart (also on page 43 of the Procedures Manual):

5. New Documented Accommodation: There are some new documented accommodations include "Word to Word Dictionaries". This was not formerly a documented accommodation, but now this MUST be documented in a student's ILP, IEP, ELL Plan, or some other location that is a formal learning plan for the student. Other information about accommodations can be found here.